
About BAA

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Saved by Christy Johnson
on August 19, 2009 at 11:22:34 am

 Bay Area Archivists Wiki


Bay Area Archivists Goals

We are an informal group of archivists meeting to exchange ideas, foster an increased sense of community, and encourage interaction among the many archival professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our goals are:

  • to share information on issues of interest to the local archival community
  • to advocate preservation of and access to historically valuable resources related to the area
  • to keep members informed about archival practices and resources


Quarterly Meetings

We are looking for repositories that are willing to open their doors and organize a tour for our members! Please post your invitation here.



Join us for a gathering to debrief about SAA’s AGM.  This would be a good time to hear what others opinions were on the sessions, what committees/roundtables you’re on and why they are interesting, a recap of your favorite things from the meeting, and basically trying to re-energize the Bay Area Archivist group.  If you’d like to join the conversation, please come to the Americano at the Hotel Vitale in San Francisco, on Thursday, August 20th, at 4:30pm.  Please feel free to those that I may have missed and if you can make it, please RSVP.




Christy Johnson 

Manager, Archives and Collections 

Wells Fargo Historical Services 

420 Montgomery Street, A0101-106 

San Francisco, CA  94104 

p: 415-396-0218



Info on the Society of California Archivists Workshop, to be held Friday, September 18th: 2009_09_18_Flyer.pdf



Advertise events in your archives or professional meetings (please include title, location, open hours, contact information, website url, cost)!


Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar 



Group members


  • Polina Ilieva
  • Josue Hurtado
  • Christy Johnson
  • Keri Koehler
  • Conor Casey



About this wiki

This wiki was created by Polina Ilieva and Josue Hurtado. If you have questions or need help please contact us at http://bayareaarchivists.pbwiki.com/contact.php.


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