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on October 16, 2007 at 1:08:14 pm




SAA 2008 Host Committee call for members and volunteers


As you may already know, SAA’s 72nd Annual Meeting will be held in San Francisco, August 23-31 (for more information regarding the SAA Annual Meeting visit: http://www.archivists.org/conference/sanfrancisco2008/).


As Host Committee Chair, I would like to extend an offer to you to serve on the 2008 Host Committee.  Ideally, the committee will consist of about 15 official, appointed members who can also be supported by numerous volunteers.  As an appointed Committee Member, you would share responsibilities or perform assigned tasks to support the SAA staff in preparing for next year’s meeting.  Volunteers are also needed in other areas such as on-site registration support and stuffing registration packets.


In order to begin work on the many projects ahead, this call for committee members is open for the next few weeks.  If you are interested, please respond to me no later than Friday, October 30th.  

The first Host Committee meeting will be scheduled for November.


Keri Koehler E-Mail: keri.koehler@wellsfargo.com

AVP, Archive Manager

Wells Fargo Historical Services

420 Montgomery Street, 10thFloor

San Francisco, CA 94104

Phone:  415.396.3669 




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